of the
AS AMENDED 9 December 1996
We, amateur radio enthusiasts, wishing to secure for ourselves the
pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly
interested in amateur radio, constitute ourselves the Sierra Amateur
Radio Club of the High Mojave and enact this Constitution as our
governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of
information and cooperation between members, to promote radio
knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency and to so
conduct Club programs and activities as to advance the general
interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community by providing
public displays and services.
All persons interested in amateur radio communication shall be
eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application and
election upon such terms as the Sierra Amateur Radio Club, hereafter
referred to as the Club, shall in its Bylaws provide.
Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be: President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2. The officers of the Club shall be elected for a term of
one year by ballot of the members present, provided there is a Quorum,
at the last meeting of the calendar year.
Section 3. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by
special elections at the first regular meeting following the removal
or resignation.
Section 4. An officer may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club,
and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. The President
shall also enforce due observance of this Constitution and Bylaws,
decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are
adopted by the Club and perform all other customary duties pertaining
to the office of President.
Section 2. The First Vice-President shall assume all duties of the
President in the absence of the President, and perform those duties
assigned by the President. The First Vice-President shall be the
chairperson of the Public Relations Committee.
Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall assume all duties of the
President in the absence of the President and First Vice-President,
and perform those duties assigned by the President. The Second
Vice-President shall be chairperson of the Program Committee.
Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of
all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit applications for
memberships, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each
meeting and mail written meeting notices to each member as needed.
Upon expiration of his term, the Secretary shall turn over all items
belonging to the Club to the successor.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all moneys
paid to the Club. The Treasurer shall also keep an accurate account
of all moneys received and expended. The Treasurer shall pay all
incurred debts and approved expenses upon authorization of a majority
of a Quorum of membership at a regular meeting or a majority of a
Quorum of the Board of Officers. The Treasurer shall, at the
expiration of the elected term, turn over everything belonging to the
Club in his/her possession to the Audit Committee. The
responsibilities of the Treasurer can be transferred only after an
The Board of Officers shall consist of the President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The
Board of Officers shall be responsible for all matters of the Club and
report to the members on matters it deems necessary or required by the
Constitution. At Board of Officers meetings, a minimum of four
officers shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business.
In addition to authorizing payment of periodic debts, the Board of
Officers may authorize expenditure of no more than one hundred dollars
($100) per period between regular Club meetings.
The Bylaws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At
meetings a minimum of ten (10) members or thirty percent (30%) of the
full membership, whichever is less, shall constitute a Quorum for the
transaction of business. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern
proceedings. The Bylaws shall also provide for a Club sponsored
Newsletter and Editor.
The Club, by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting
where a Quorum exists, may levy upon the general membership such dues
and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the
organization within its objectives as set forth in the Preamble.
Nonpayment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion
from the Club by a three-fourths vote of a Quorum of members at a
regular Club meeting.
Committees shall be of two kinds: Standing Committees as provided by
this Constitution and Ad Hoc Committees as needed. The chairpersons
of these committees shall constitute a Steering or Advisory Committee
should the need arise. The chairperson of each committee is appointed
by the President during January and February of each year or within
sixty (60) days of the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee.
Section 1. The Technical Assistance Committee shall
provide assistance to the membership in the design, construction and
proper operation of equipment used in an amateur radio station.
Section 2. The Repeater Committee shall provide guidance, design,
construction, installation, operation, service and modifications for
Club translators, repeaters, control links and associated equipment.
The design and operation of this equipment shall be in accordance with
the wishes of the membership as expressed by a majority vote of a
Quorum of members at a regular Club meeting.
Section 3. The Radio Frequency Interference Committee shall provide
technical assistance to Club members and the community, in the
interest of improving public relations.
Section 4. The Program Committee shall provide a program at each
regularly scheduled meeting in accordance with the objectives of the
Club. The Program Committee shall also keep the membership informed
of activities of other Amateur Radio organizations that might be
attended by Club members. The Second Vice-President shall be the
Section 5. The Public Relations Committee is responsible for placing
public information announcements in the local news media and other
public places. The Public Relations Committee is also responsible for
the preparation, reproduction, and distribution of the Club
Newsletter. The First Vice-President of the Club shall be the
Section 6. The Audit Committee shall insure that the financial
records of the Club are in order. An audit shall occur at the end of
each fiscal year and before a new officer is installed as Treasurer.
A fiscal year is defined as a calendar year. An audit may also occur
by a vote of a majority of a Quorum of the members at a regular
meeting or by a majority of the Board of Officers. The Audit
Committee shall be three members selected at large by the President.
The Audit Committee shall report to the members and Board of Officers
at the regular meeting following the audit completion but no later
than two regular meetings from the beginning of the audit.
Section 7. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members
appointed by the President before the September meeting. The
Committee shall present the slate of candidates at the November
regular meeting.
Section 8. The Emergency and Public Service Committee shall
coordinate and plan public service activities of the Club, including
the Club’s response to community emergency or disaster situations.
The chairperson shall serve as a point of contact for emergency
service and volunteer agencies requesting the Club¹s participation in
community events or emergency relief efforts. It is suggested that
the American Radio Relay League Emergency Coordinator for Eastern Kern
County be appointed as chairperson if he/she is a member of the Club
and is willing to serve.
Section 9. The chairpersons of all committees shall keep the
President and Secretary informed of all regular or special meetings
involving their committees.
This Constitution or the Bylaws may be amended by a
two-thirds vote of a Quorum of the members at a regular meeting.
Proposals for amendment shall be submitted in writing at a regular
meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting
provided all members have been notified by mail of the intent to amend
the Constitution and/or Bylaws at said regular meeting. In years with
the number thereof ending in zero and five, this constitution shall be
reviewed and modified if required. All modifications shall be
submitted to the Board of Officers for approval.
In the event that the Club should be dissolved, the Club
officers shall transfer all Club physical property, which can be used
to maintain the emergency communications capability of in the Indian
Wells Valley, to the East Kern County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency
Service (RACES). Other Club physical property shall be sold by
auction. The Club officers shall close all Club bank accounts. The
moneys received from the auction of physical properties and the closed
bank accounts shall then be given to East Kern County RACES. If East
Kern County RACES cannot receive the equipment and moneys, the
equipment shall be sold by auction and the moneys resulting from that
sale and those moneys remaining in the Club bank accounts shall be
given to the American Radio Relay League Foundation General Fund for
use in supporting scholarship programs.
BYLAW 1. Application for membership shall be submitted to the
Secretary. Full membership privileges are obtained following
application and approval by a majority of the Board of Officers. Full
voting membership is open to licensed amateurs only. Full membership
includes all Club privileges as well as rights to committee
membership. Club officers must hold an amateur license. Associate
memberships are available to those with an active interest in amateur
radio. Associate members shall be granted all membership privileges
with the exception of voting, holding office and committee
BYLAW 2. Regular, monthly meetings of the membership shall be held on
a specific day of the month at such place as the Board of Officers
shall order. The location shall be published regularly in the club
newsletter. Special meetings may be called by the President upon the
written request of any five Club members. Notices shall be sent to
members concerning special meetings and the business to be
transacted. Only such business as designated in the special meeting
notice shall be transacted at said special meeting. Special meeting
notices shall be delivered to arrive not less than forty-eight (48)
hours before the special meeting¹s time.
BYLAW 3. Dues shall be as determined by a majority of the Board of
Officers and shall be payable annually by 31 March. Full time
students and active duty military personnel shall have dues reduced to
an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of regular dues. A family
membership is for parent(s) or guardian(s) and minor dependent(s) at
one address with one newsletter sent to one address. Family
membership dues shall be one-hundred-and-fifty-percent (150%) of the
regular dues.
BYLAW 4. The Club is authorized to publish a Newsletter. The Editor
shall be a position filled by a volunteer Club member with approval by
a majority of the Board of Officers. The contents and format of the
Newsletter shall be selected at the discretion of the Editor as long
as the information is of interest to amateur radio and Club members.
The Club shall provide funds to pay the cost of printing and mailing.
Information from the Board of Officers and chairpersons of committees
shall be given to the Editor for dissemination to the membership. The
Editor shall be a member of the Public Relations Committee.
Original held by NØLV